Thursday, December 10, 2009

Filters for Families: Give clean water for Christmas to a family in Zambia

Sometimes the problem isn't having access to water, but that the water they have is horribly contaminated and causes disease. This issue can be addressed in individual homes through the use of a Biosand filter, which eliminates up to 98% of disease-causing bacteria in the water. This technology allows dirty water to be filtered through a naturally forming biological layer, sand and gravel to produce safe, disease-free water. These filters last 10-20 years and cost only $85. It's amazing when you think about it, that for the price that we might spend on a single gift, an entire family can have access to one of its most basic needs: safe water.

Through Blood Water's local partner in Zambia, the Biosand program not only manufactures the filters locally, but builds local ownership through training and maintenance - which is critical to the long-term success of any program. They learn about how Biosand filters work, participate in making a filter, sift the gravel and sand that fills the filter, and are introduced to several other hygiene and sanitation technologies. Mothers and fathers tell of the dramatic effect these filters have had on their families. Virigina, a mother of 3, said that the Biosand filter has made a big impact on her health, but that more needs to be done because not every household has a filter. She says she, "would love to see a healthy nation, and if you have a healthy community, you have a healthy nation." The work will not be complete until every family has safe water. Join Blood Water Mission in responding to Virigina and the safe water needs of Zambia.

Visit where you can watch a video about the filters, sponsor your own, and easily share the info through print and web resources. If you want to give a filter as a gift on behalf of someone, there are printable Christmas cards you can use to let them know. 1600 families is a lofty goal, but we know that with enough support we can make sure that these homes in Zambia don't spend another year without safe drinkable water.

Learn more about Blood Water Mission